Thursday, March 09, 2006

Kids Catch The Darndest Things

The 7 year old has come down with his first whammy of an illness. He has been coughing deeply, running a 102 degree fever and has a dischrage from his eyes. We took him to the doctor and come to find out, He has an upper respiratory infection, a sinus infection, possible pink eye and a mild form of Daddyspendstoomuchtimeonthecomputeritis... a potentially incurable ailment.

I am going to have to say that his illness was probably caused from the extensive mental stress that he went through when someone asked him where a rainbow came from. Mental stress has often been linked to a direct cause for physical stress that greatly reduces the capabilities of the body's immune system. So whoever it was that asked the rainbow question... you'll be happy to know that when you don't have medical insurance a doctor's visit costs $70 while the prescription costs $45. Now there are only 34 cents left in the leprechaun's pot of gold. Talk about a cheap leprechaun !!!!!

We interupt this blog for breaking news....

The popular labor union known as ALLGOLD (American Leprechaun Labor Guild Of Lost Doubloons) has created an account to offset the cost of The 7 Year Old's medical costs after the parents petitioned the Union for lack of sufficient funds in the "Pot O' Gold" insurance policy that was purchased after the last rainbow appearance in East Texas. If you wish to contribute to the account, please click on the "Donate Now" button below.
We now return you to your regular scheduled Blog...

I have no idea what that was...

but mine is not to reason why, mine is but to do or die. P.S. The new format (until he gets well) is to ask a very sick little boy a question that will probably be answered in a drug induced state... but it's just antibiotics, so don't get any bright ideas.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Kids Say The Darndest Things II

What is a rainbow?

A rainbow is one of those curved over things with colors.

where do you think they come from?

Rainbows come from leprechauns and their pot of gold, but sometimes they come from the future.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Ok... I admit... My blog has become somewhat of a diary of someone with ADHD... Don't knock it, I just have alot going on and it takes real dedication to do a daily blog. Problem is, it takes more dedication to keep the wife satisfied, and in reality... she's a lot more complicated and I use more energy doing her than I do doing blogs.

But now I have come up with an idea... My 7 year old helped... He commented to me tonight that our female "outdoor" cat will have kittens someday. I asked him why he thought that and he responded "Because she's a girl cat... she's going to be a mama some day. " I asked him why girls have babies and he said "Daddy...... Girls don't have babies.... women have babies."

I asked him why women have babies and men don't. His simple answer.... "Men aren't women."

That has inspired me.... so now I task you.... Ask my 7 year old a question... I will pose it to him in a fatherly fashion... meaning that I won't censor your question at all other than to simplify it to a 7 year old level or sanitize it of impurities that a 7 year old should not be exposed to. I will post the question as asked and then post the question as I re-phrased it to him (if need be) and then post his answer.

I think this will be a great keepsake for him and be humorous for you.

What are you waiting for... ask a 7 year old a question.

I will post these answers within 1 day of when you present a question.