Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Prophylactic Breaks - and a rant spills out...

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As a precursor to this story, see yesterdays post.

Being a former Radio DJ for 11 years I have an insight into the world of censorship that most folks do not. I am in no way a fan of Howard Stern. I think that his antics on his show are immature, vulgar and just outright gross. He does not follow any form of schematic for a successful format, and has an intern that runs his soundboard that fills whatever content he has that is entertaining with too much garbage such as farts and that woman that takes a dive after stomping grapes and busts her nose. But you know what... there is a diverse group of people out there that DO find that hilarious. This show is for them. I don't know about you, but when I get into my car, I don't have a 300 pound thug in the backseat that grabs me by the hair and puts a knife to my throat and tells me that he won't hurt me as long as I put Howard Stern on the radio.

For those of you that raise a fuss when somebody says that the words "Under God" should not be in the Pledge of Allegiance, (And believe me, when I get to that part of the pledge, I scream "UNDER GOD"), you must see yourself as hypocrites when you say that a man cannot speak his mind in anyway he so chooses. As the bad worn out Cliché goes... "There are two knobs on the radio... one to change the station and one to turn it off"... Since when have you had the right to tell anyone what they can and cannot see, hear, touch, smell, breath or taste. Your and my faithful belief that this nation is based on a belief in God in no way should violate the rights of others to live their life in any manner that they so see fit. If you don't recall the early teachings in 7th grade where you had American history drilled into your head, we are a nation that fled a country that governed it's people based on the laws of the church. God is a personal belief, and in no way is beneficial if it is shoved down your throat. If you want our country to be run based on the church, then you might as well get used to living under the Taliban rule, since any religion that is allowed to rule, is not a rule that is set in stone. Before long, extremists would come to power and then anarchy would be sure to follow. Before you know it, a Branch Davidian would be flying a rusty pick-up truck into the side of one of the Gaza Pyramids.

I started this rant by saying that I don't listen to Howard Stern, but that doesn't mean that he should not be heard by those that choose to listen. Three choices. Two knobs. One Nation UNDER GOD !!!!!

1 comment:

Malinda777 said...

Amen Brother! I get REALLY WOUND UP about no prayer in school, and the people who want me to call my tree a Holiday tree. If you don't want to pray...just be quiet and don't. If you don't like Christmas, pretend the North Star is a comet, Baby Jesus is a doll, and don't buy anyone any presents.

If you don't like Howard Stern... turn it off. I have XM radio, and LOVE my comedy channel. But occasionally, even for me someone comes on like Stern that is just over the line... guess what... I have 6 preset channels on 4 bands of radio... I hit a button, and Wa-Lah! Toby Kieth is now singing a ballad just to me :)

My Daddy taught me, "I may not agree with a man as far as to what he does; but I'll defend him with my life his right to do it".{remember a moment} {laugh laugh}... that was usually followed somewhere soon in the conversation by, "Your freedom ends where my nose begins"...

Sorry this is so long Shadow... loved the rant... the last line is classic... Three Choices, Two Buttons, ONE NATION UNDER GOD! By golly, we've got a new bumper sticker...