Monday, September 08, 2008

The Shadow Awakens... Campaign 2008

To my readers that I have ... well... abandoned for many months, I am now going to try to post regularly until the November Election.

What will I talk about?

I will carry on a regular conversation with my Republican sister... remember, i'm "Independent."

I will convey my feelings on the recent "acquisition" of Fanny Mae & Freddy Mac to stabilize the market... This seems to be another baby step towards Socialism.

I will keep you up to date on the situation in which Kitty and I have gone through two Toyota Camrys in two months.

And, a new subject... "What I Ate Today, and "What Did It Look Like On Porcelain"

So, what do I have to say today?

What the hell do you want from me?

It's almost 5am.... just check back tomorrow...

1 comment:

Malinda777 said...

Welcome back ;)