Monday, October 13, 2008

All Right, Class, Settle Down

MR. SHADOW: All right, students.... boys and girls.
Please, settle down and let's get down to today's lesson.
Boys and girls, today's lesson is to bring your attention to a website that was brought to my attention today.
I am a firm believer in seeking out the truth in our current Presidential campaigns.
This site was brought to my attention while watching a production of "Wahington Journal" on C-Span today.
The guest was Bill Adair, Editor of is a non-partisan group that takes "facts" that have been spoken about by candidates and political groups and researches them to find out how true the "facts" really are.

Think of it as the of the campaign.

I urge you to browse this website and learn as much as you can.

Both parties are treated with equal scrutiny, so don't let the home page sway you.

The homepage currently shows alot of McCain attacking Obama, but that is simply because that is what has been going on for the past week.

Browse the full website and learn what you can.

That is all for today's lesson.

Homework Assignment: Visit the website and write a report and post it in the comment section below and feel free to post it on your blog as well.


Malinda777 said...

I LOVE YOU...and your views and my views ...


Katherine (My Kitty) think so too :)

Malinda777 said...

I'm sorry...I played around in the site today...I find it an overtly Pro-Obama website.

Of course I'm sure that's sort of to be expected since I'm obviously biased against Obama.