Sunday, July 01, 2007

Come on... it's 4:45am !!!!

OK, let me preface this with the statement "THIS IS NOT A CRY FOR HELP!."

I just got to thinking about why celebreties, from days gone by, tend to crap out early in their career, and die an early death.

I have to say, having once been in a spotlight brighter than many ever see, once that spotlight is gone... you feel empty.

That's the emptiness that these "celebreties" feel.... yes, they have feelings just like you and me... But I lost that spotlight, so I understand exactly how they feel.

The spotlight shows the world your soul... but takes it, in turn, as a toll.

The good thing is, I wake up every morning, and God gives me another chance to give a little bit of a spotlight to everyone I meet that day.

It's best that the spotlight be given, lest you never receive it in turn.

Your thoughts?

Oh... almost forgot... Random Truth Or Dare, where you always get the Truth... I have never told anyone that my favorite childhood show was WKRP... I wonder if that is out in a DVD set yet.

1 comment:

Malinda777 said...

I always loved that show too! (But then again, I like ABBA too) Yes, the limelight does steal a part of your soul, and yes...from time to time you do miss it... even if a deck of cards was your microphone.

Some of the soul you never get back. But, each day above ground is a good day...I think :)

I CAN'T WAIT TO COME HOME IN NOVEMBER! Kiss the babies for me!