Sunday, December 23, 2007


Ok, now here's my beef with people that want to have a "Holiday" season, but not call it christmas.

If you're putting a tree inside your home, decorating it, and then running 120 volts of electricity through it, the you are celebrating CHRISTMAS!!!

I know the first half of a couple that has a weird relationship. He is not really religious and she is Wiccan. So they say that they celebrate Yuletide... Gah... They have 2 kids, They put up a tree, they wrapped gifts, they did everything that our families do in our family traditions that celebrate the birth of Christ. They probably thought of that, because they opened gifts last night, which they say means they are not celebrating Christmas, but they do not want their kids to miss out.

OK... here is the inteligence behind that logic.

Bob: Hey there, Sam. I hear your birthday is coming up.
Sam: Yup, my own special day to celebrate my birth.
Bob: Hey, uh, Sam, I was wonderin' what you do to celebrate your birthday.
Sam: Nothin' really. My old lady makes me meatloaf, the kids go to bed early, and I get some.
Bob: you are shit'in me.... you just have a day that you get to have as your own special day?
Sam: Well, yeah.
Bob: Cool...

[Bob Calls Wife On Her Cell Phone]

Bob: Ok... here's the deal, Sam's birthday is on March 12th... On March 12th, I want you to make me a meatloaf, put the kids to bed, and give me some... And I am going to call it MyDay and we are going to do it on March 10th... just to piss everybody off.
Wife: Why don't you just fuck yourself and get a life.

You know what?

If you don't like the CHRIST in Christmas, then refuse your holiday vacation, and if you can't, refuse the extra pay that you are paid to work that day.

Maybe if you worked on Christmas day, I might have a few aethists to work on Christmas Day when my wife forgot the chicken broth for the stuffing.

But if you don't know Christ, try him out sometime.

He has good weed.


Malinda777 said...

Christ has weed? Boy, if I would have known that, I'm sure my prayers of youth would have been some different :)

Anonymous said...

Just FYI, the X in X-Mas can mean Christ. X is the Greek symbol for Christ. I know it's not usually meant that way, but I just wanted you to know that I'm smarter than you. :-P