Saturday, November 29, 2008

Childish Antics

Just a quick burst here, and I know the elections are over, but I just came across this piece of work....
Just after the debate that I watched the day after my birthday, the two candidates are greeting the audience at the end of it all and McCain does an "around the shoulder" shoulder tap on Obama and then acts like it was his wife that did it....
Was he running for President of The United States or Freshman Class President at Lame Ass Jr. High?
Watch this video... it just makes you go, huh?!?!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

2+2 = 4

Though many of you have probably, if you are responsible adults, have already voted early, so this information will not change things, but you need to be aware of the facts nonetheless.

At this point in the game, if you are still on the fence, don't even bother to vote since you have had almost 2 years to make your decision and you are as clueless as the guy that takes the longest to decide what to order at the restaurant because he can't decide if he wants the 10 oz or 12 oz Porterhouse Steak.

However, I must digress and say that I am an independent and do not vote for the party, but rather, the candidate. Since this is not the way that a huge percentage of the voting population thinks, while blindly following the party, I just have to make one final point.

Republicans call themselves “Fiscal Conservatives” and at the same time refer to Democrats as “Tax and Spend Liberals.”

The numbers speak for themselves.

I am going to provide FACTS that show the numbers regarding our National Debt for the past 60 years.

These FACTS prove that in the past 60 years, Republicans have ALWAYS plunged the country deeper into debt and by the end of Reagan's second term the national debt held by the public ballooned from 26 percent of the GDP in 1980 to 41 percent in 1989. By 1988, the debt totaled $2.6 trillion, due in part to both increased military spending at the end of theCold War and according to some, the tax cuts. The country owed more to foreigners than it was owed, and the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the world's largest debtor nation.

If I managed my finances in this manner, you would consider me destitute and assume my address is located at 1234 Homeless Shelter, Homeless, America, and I still receive new credit cards every month and plunge myself further into debt. (Currently, in reality, I still maintain a tiny credit card balance of which I pay off in full each month.) In fact, I recently had to ask a Twenty-Something co-worker of mine how Credit Card interest is racked up since I have never paid a penny of interest on my credit card since I pay it off every month, but may have to let it carry for a month or so while I move. I can't afford the move, but it is necesarry, so I'm going to have to finally carry a a balance on my card after all these years.

But seriously, look at the following numbers and then tell me who is better for the Country as a whole.

Every time we have had a Republican President, we have plunged into debt or, at best, a lower surplus.

When we have had a Democratic President, the deficit was either greatly reduced or we were finally in the black again. The only exception was JFK, and I don't think he had a good head on his shoulders... but that is just a sick attempt at humor.

2+2 = 4.... and a $164,787,361,848 surplus is always better than a $395,508,515,357 DEFICIT !!!

Here are the numbers.

G. W. Bush Republican $395,508,515,357
W. J. Clinton Democrat -$164,787,361,848
G. H. W. Bush Republican $34,326,854,936
R.Reagan Republican $97,338,623,234
J.Carter Democrat $462,596,259
G.Ford Republican $61,738,694,763
R.M.Nixon Republican $18,395,825,212
L.B.Johnson Democrat $63,242,392
J.F.Kennedy Democrat $7,815,205,722
D.D.Eisenhower Republican -$6,183,275,064
H.S.Truman Democrat -$294,348,329,938

What are your thoughts?