Sunday, November 02, 2008

2+2 = 4

Though many of you have probably, if you are responsible adults, have already voted early, so this information will not change things, but you need to be aware of the facts nonetheless.

At this point in the game, if you are still on the fence, don't even bother to vote since you have had almost 2 years to make your decision and you are as clueless as the guy that takes the longest to decide what to order at the restaurant because he can't decide if he wants the 10 oz or 12 oz Porterhouse Steak.

However, I must digress and say that I am an independent and do not vote for the party, but rather, the candidate. Since this is not the way that a huge percentage of the voting population thinks, while blindly following the party, I just have to make one final point.

Republicans call themselves “Fiscal Conservatives” and at the same time refer to Democrats as “Tax and Spend Liberals.”

The numbers speak for themselves.

I am going to provide FACTS that show the numbers regarding our National Debt for the past 60 years.

These FACTS prove that in the past 60 years, Republicans have ALWAYS plunged the country deeper into debt and by the end of Reagan's second term the national debt held by the public ballooned from 26 percent of the GDP in 1980 to 41 percent in 1989. By 1988, the debt totaled $2.6 trillion, due in part to both increased military spending at the end of theCold War and according to some, the tax cuts. The country owed more to foreigners than it was owed, and the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the world's largest debtor nation.

If I managed my finances in this manner, you would consider me destitute and assume my address is located at 1234 Homeless Shelter, Homeless, America, and I still receive new credit cards every month and plunge myself further into debt. (Currently, in reality, I still maintain a tiny credit card balance of which I pay off in full each month.) In fact, I recently had to ask a Twenty-Something co-worker of mine how Credit Card interest is racked up since I have never paid a penny of interest on my credit card since I pay it off every month, but may have to let it carry for a month or so while I move. I can't afford the move, but it is necesarry, so I'm going to have to finally carry a a balance on my card after all these years.

But seriously, look at the following numbers and then tell me who is better for the Country as a whole.

Every time we have had a Republican President, we have plunged into debt or, at best, a lower surplus.

When we have had a Democratic President, the deficit was either greatly reduced or we were finally in the black again. The only exception was JFK, and I don't think he had a good head on his shoulders... but that is just a sick attempt at humor.

2+2 = 4.... and a $164,787,361,848 surplus is always better than a $395,508,515,357 DEFICIT !!!

Here are the numbers.

G. W. Bush Republican $395,508,515,357
W. J. Clinton Democrat -$164,787,361,848
G. H. W. Bush Republican $34,326,854,936
R.Reagan Republican $97,338,623,234
J.Carter Democrat $462,596,259
G.Ford Republican $61,738,694,763
R.M.Nixon Republican $18,395,825,212
L.B.Johnson Democrat $63,242,392
J.F.Kennedy Democrat $7,815,205,722
D.D.Eisenhower Republican -$6,183,275,064
H.S.Truman Democrat -$294,348,329,938

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Malinda777 said...


While I TOTALLY agree with you about independence, and possibly if we ALL registered independent we would ALL be better off :)...

Here's a couple of things I know. I WISH I would have done a couple of things when I was YOUNG that I didn't.

1. LEARN AND APPRECIATE HISTORY (especially when it comes to politics)
2. WITH the knowledge of history would have become A FINANCIAL EXPERT! (especially when it comes to politics)

As I grow older, I learn a couple of things not because I can copy & paste it from somewhere else (AND I DO A LOT OF THAT), but because I've finally lived long enough to experience, get over it, and then later remember some of it.

As vague as some of it seems, I remember it, and I CERTAINLY remember JIMMY CARTER!

As you grow older my brother...remember this...good bad or indifferent, SHIT is thick, and it takes TIME to roll downhill! EVEN GOOD SHIT takes time to roll :) Ironic "stuff" no matter how incidental it seems can CHANGE the face of a nation!

In my lifetime...A LOT OF incidental crap has caused VAST changes to a country...but if not for a feather's movement here or there? Who knows what would have happened?

Any given President...most likely...the benefits or the lack thereof will not be realized by the general public until AFTER they've left office.

Carter came to mind, and I JUST had to write a story...but I quickly deleted it because I couldn't check out all the LINKS within my COPY & PASTE!

HERE'S the DEAL...I once was a Democrat...JFK was the last GOOD DEMOCRAT...and was he? He was the last we remember but someone put a bullet in his head.

I think he was good, and I think he had LOTS of potential...but we really DON'T KNOW for sure, because he got offed.TRAGIC! Marilyn Monroe might could have told us, but then she offed her OWN SELF! Just another cheating President/Man/Woman...cheating like prostitution is the oldest profession...but still BAD!

TOO MANY of US have to swallow that sword with anguish!

One of my first memories of life is Mama Ann & Papa Bill FREAKED out about Kennedy's death! Democrats (and good ones) ALL!

Johnson followed him (D) as the VP. He did some things too, and is known as the poor guy that got stuck after the TRAGEDY! When a country is in DEEP MOURNING for a BELOVED HERO...the "next guy" doesn't stand a chance! Kennedy is only one of four Presidents to be assassinated, and the last one prior to him was in freaking 1901!

Go Figure that assassinate begins with ASS ASS!

In one of my'll see this statement... Came from Lyndon Johnson AFTER he took over for the dead guy (D)"to build a great society, a place where the meaning of man's life matches the marvels of man's labor."

That's WHY I say Kennedy was the LAST great democrat! Johnson tried to carry on JFK's beliefs. (Don't know what happened to his relatives (Ted) etc.) DEMOCRATS USED to believe in the things Conservatives do today!

Kennedy dies, Johnson takes over by default. He then loses to a (R) Nixon. Nixon was a HERO because (maybe due to efforts of past guys...remember the shit rolling scenario), he ENDS Vietnam, the LAST battle USA has ever seen since 1950 (Korea), (Nam ends in the early 70's) (a generation away from wartime) and ENDS the DRAFT...thus making today's military heroes truly VOLUNTEERS!

...until Osama Bin Laden/Afghanistan/Iraq (we are talking WARS not skirmishes)... that was 1973 - 35 years ago! (AGAIN a GENERATION away)... but I remember it! Nixon ALSO was in the big chair when the first guy landed on the MOON... big shit if you were there to see it (Papa Bill (born 1898) died not believing it happened, since Ed Sullivan, and the advent of television and the unbelievable concept of video (from his horse & buggy rasing), he thought it was "TV hoax")

WELL...even though Nixon was a Republican...along came WATERGATE! BIG NASTY SCANDAL! (Back then...scandals used to actually shock us...after Brittney Spears, Lohan, Clinton, Michael Jackson, Ayres, etc...NOTHING shocks us anymore... we've all become TOO DAMN COMPLACENT!)

NIXON SAW WRITING ON THE WALL... Hero or not! Nam ending or NOT, guy on the moon or NOT...he QUIT, resigned, "I'm the fuck out of here" split the scene.

Prior to HIS resignation...his vice president Spiro Agnew saw the writing BEFORE Nixon did (had a skeleton or two of his own in the closet), and split UNPRECEDENTED history...Nixon HAD to "nominate" a dude to take over for him after the "I quit" card he pulled to avoid OUTCAST! He nominated Ford. So, Ford (again by default) became President.

Ford did some AMAZING things, but again...due to unprecedented "shit happens", his term was short and he lost upon his only chance to actually RUN for president to Carter. Scandal, a depressed economy, energy shortages (causing future bullshit that Carter didn't help), was too much for him to win against.

History will again and again repeat itself that when SHIT hits the fan...people cry out for CHANGE (or blame as it really is) to just do something DIFFERENT!

I've often heard (and Republicans and Democrats are BOTH as guilty), the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things over and over hoping that the result will be different.


Again, in a few short years (as history goes)...we've (USA) had some "incidental shit" that turned out to be BIG SHIT that changed history!

After Nixon/Ford, (EEK Carter) we get Ronald Reagan. Yep, a Hollywood type...(used to be a Democrat believe it or not), so everybody loved him since he was a beloved actor! People related him to John Wayne :)

He was EVEN the governor of California! (TODAY the most liberal place on earth...only comparable to Soddam and Gomorrah with Nancy Pelosi as one of its leaders)...and if "ironic shit" in America doesn't get worse than already described...the only one to stand up so far to RUN AGAINST Pelosi in her next election is Cindy Sheehan! Lord help us!

Reagan did so much good for America, probably BECAUSE he once was a liberal turned Conservative. He was SO GOOD, he was the FIRST president since Dwight Eisenhower in 1961 (BEFORE I was born) to ever keep POTUS for two terms!

He ended the Cold War by telling Gorbachev to "TEAR DOWN THIS WALL". He reformed the tax code and maybe just because it was time or not...the country's economy blossomed during his TWO terms.

Somebody also put a bullet into Reagan, but he didn't die! His already John Wayne presence was multiplied by his toughness in surviving an assassination attempt!

Maybe the country got used to great men once again, but for whatever reason...dual terms became the norm as Bush Sr. (only ONE term), Bill Clinton, and Bush Jr. all carried two terms.

We're within your lifetime now and no need for more history :) You get the drift!

I see a trend though, going back to CARTER...and shit rolling, a few presidents after and a Congress NOT cooperating on the behalf of the good of the people.

NO lines be damned! A LOT of folks are responsible and history proves it just within the POTUS facts. Combine all these stories of POTUS that "I can remember", times 535 (number of Congress) and their combined years in office combined with ALL their scandals)...see how SHIT can PILE UP so HIGH it's unfathomable?

Back to the basics for us all, and I'm still of the opinion that McCain isn't the saving grace, but Obama is going to take us back before Kennedy THAT'S A LONG TIME! And I still believe that Obama DOESN'T HAVE YOUR BACK OR MINE!

Although he compares himself to Kennedy...Johnson said on Kennedy's behalf "to build a great society, a place where the meaning of man's life matches the marvels of man's labor." WAS the ORIGINAL Democratic idea...

Obama wants to take it FURTHER, as so many radicals have tried to stretch it. Obama and his principles seem more like "From each his ability to each his need" which was Karl Marx...INSTEAD of Kennedy's thought of "

In a society where Democrats USED to have great ideas...look at the links again as to Kennedy's ideas and accomplishments...was he GREAT as we think he was? Or, did some of his ideas just phrase "the phrase" a different way?

Did this phrase "to build a great society, a place where the meaning of man's life matches the marvels of man's labor." maybe mean something more like "From the abilities of each to the needs of each"?

Damn shame of it all is WE'LL NEVER KNOW...the bullet sent it all to the grave...I choose to keep JFK's memory in tact as one that meant it as life matching marvel of labor.

God Bless us ALL! The Government has us all "by the short hairs" and it's a damned crap shoot any given year anymore as to who you vote for :(

SORRY...I never said I couldn't win the prize for the LONGEST comments on EARTH!

Here's the links for my thoughts...
Bush Sr.
assassinated presidents