Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kucinich Demonstrates How to Deal with Wall Street Scum

Pay attention Obama. Pay attention Dem leadership. Pay attention America. This is how you do it. Make these bastards squirm. And hoooo boy does Bank of America's Ken Lewis squirm his weaselly ass off in this video. Really, it's worth watching just to watch Lewis' face.


Malinda777 said... have the MEANS necessary to send this video clip to Bill O'Reilly and have him run THIS past his "body language" expert Tonya Reiman on FOX News.

Make THAT happen to see where Fair and Balanced lies.

However...this was one good day for Kucinich... D's don't have many LOL!

Malinda777 said...

Sometimes - both sides SUCK! WHY when we were pointing to text video for example in this video was there some random black man in the lower left hand corner?

BOTH Republican (not all) and BOTH Democratic (not all) officials SUCK right now!

But for a handfull - THEY ALL NEED TO GO - TO THE SAME HELL IN A HAND BASKET they've all sent us as normal American's to!!