Monday, June 04, 2007

Why Fight Your Brother When You Know You Can Kick Your Brother-In-Law's Ass?

Can I make an open minded comment ????

When it comes to the battle between Israel and Palestine.... I don't know what the truth is.

I am a media professional by trade, and I see all of the different networks and the slants they lean towards.

Compare FOX News to NBC and you are looking at the two different photographic negatives that it takes to make a 3D film.

One side says one thing.... the other side says something different.

When you put the two together in just the right way, you get the whole 3D "true image."

Guys... don't listen to one news station's viewpoint of today's world events.... utilize the internet and get the whole picture.

I spend just as much time on foreign news stations as I do on our national stations.

As far as Iraq is concerned... we are not losing the war in Iraq... the Iraqi nationals are coming around to realize that the non-native jihadists are the instigators.

I mean, really... think about the Revolutionary War.

While involved in that war, we had white slave owners fighting the same war that units of black soldiers fought.
Though they were still too racist to fight WITH the blacks... they still fought the same war.

In Iraq, today, that would be like the whites and the blacks, fighting each other while fighting the common enemy.

If that had happened, we would be worrying about missing tea time right now instead of reading this blog.

As FOX news says... We Report...You Decide... but make sure you get all the views before you decide.

*** VOTE BARACK OBAMA *** .... why?

Why are you asking me?

I told you to decide on your own.... so... go............................. GO!!!

No, don't assume at this point... I could have just brought up Obama in order to piss you off... What are your thoughts?

But I do have to say... when the english speaking guy said that he heard them yelling but could not understand what the armed soldiers were saying.... I would assume they were saying, "If you keep coming this way, we will shoot you."

It helps to understand the language if you are going to support the cause.... you idiot.

But, to my blog readers.... I Love You. ;-)

1 comment:

Malinda777 said...

Ya know, I don't get the whole Palestine / Isreal thing either. I try, and I'm not even sure why the USA would rather lose a left nut than to see Isreal fall...

As to Barack...If I were going to vote's not 2008 YET...i t COULD happen....not likely, but possibly... I suppose at some point, I might vote Democrat... but if I were to do so...It would be Obama.

However, I was raised by a die hard Democratic household so many years older than I that I just didn't question...but I got over voting Democrat the year I voted for Jimmy Carter... I'm surprised I didn't get the death penalty for that :)

All kidding aside, as a nation we all have our favorites, but have to know that one from each party wins, and then we vote. At least if Fred Thompson didn't win...Gulianni second then I would pick Obama for sure. He'd beat the shit out of Billy Beer boy!!!!!!!!!! or Dike, Bitch, not balls enough to shoot her cheating husband in the head Hillary :)