Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Don't knock the pros...

Here's something only a large handful of celebrities can understand... It ain't easy being them!!!

You know the Star Spangled Banner, right?

You can sing the whole thing all the way through and not miss a beat, right?

Then why is it that professional singers screw it up sometimes ?

This is the first video I've seen that accurately displays the reason why... I know this from experience, having been the Master of Ceremonies at a rodeo arena.

The words that come out of your mouth, are delayed due to the massive echo that it produces in a stadium environment.

You can hear the camera pick up Michael Bolton's natural voice and then hear the delay that is caused by the accoustics of the stadium.

With that type of delay, you could get past the first two lines...

Wanna try it?

I've done this before in order to demonstrate to people how hard it is...

To do this, you will have to have the ability to use two cell phones at one time.

Using one cell phone, call the other cell phone.

Answer the other cell phone, but don't say hello... if you do, you're retarded, because if you will recall, you just called yourself.

Now, put one cell phone to your ear, and talk into the mouthpiece of the other cell phone...

I will even make it easy on you... doing this, just TRY to sing your ABC's..

Now, show an appreciation for artists that do this every day.

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