Wednesday, May 02, 2007

In-Grown Toenail Surgery

Kitty has had some issues with two in-grown toenails for a while now, her podiatrist decided that it would be best to take car of this now, for good.

So, today, she had a toe transplant.

The doctor surgically removed both big toes, and replaced them with transplanted toes from a Three-Toed Sloth.

Ok, maybe not, but I give you that mental immage so that you can further enjoy the video of the procedure she went through this afternoon.

This is not video of her actual procedure on her foot, as you can tell by the ugly feet, but rather another poor sap that had the same procedure performed.

Whatever you do, don't cringe... or flinch.

1 comment:

Malinda777 said...

Oh...this is so painful. Give Kitty a big hug for me! I had to sit and watch them do this to Quaid... I felt very sorry for him, it HURTS!