Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Kitty and I contributed to the delinquency of a couple of minors today.

We played hookie with the boys in order to take them on a "Field Trip."

We attended the "Welcome Home a Hero" ceremony at DFW Airport this morning.

I took about 30 some-odd photos and will post a link to them on Friday night.Stupid me lost my cable to my camera that connects to my computer, and my media ports in my tower accepts every possible style of media card EXCEPT "xD"So I will have to wait until I got to work on Friday to upload the photos and then I'll give all the details.

Some hints, though, on what to expect when I DO post on Friday...

Zachary thinks he's a Commanding Officer.
Matthew discovered some new-found shyness.
Kitty likes men in uniform.
Tears came to my Pussy-fied eyes at one point.... I have always been a Macho F***ing Cryer... I hate it, but I am known to be able to kick your ass and in other cases, cry like a baby... how gay is that?

All the details will follow on Friday with PHOTOS.

Stay tuned...

Just a teaser... I have had neighbor that was a gulf war Vet, and after his experience, he needed some serious therapy.

This war is like nothing our boys have ever seen. I don't mean to be rude... but these guys deal with an enemy that has no qualms killing their own.

How do you fight an enemy like that?

We saw this in the eyes of these young men... they were just amazed to be home....

BRING OUR BOYS HOME AND LET THOSE MOTHER F****** KILL EACH OTHER... it is none of our business now... otherwise, turn that region into a waste-land. Have your 70 virgins all you want... I don't even know 70 virgins.

I especially would never be with 70 virgins, of whom their faces I would never see... Somehow, I think a distant cousin would slip in somewhere.

Carry On.


Malinda777 said...

Can't wait to see photos.

Ron Simpson said...

real men cry for a food reason. You had a good reason. Gay guys cry when they get food on their pink silk shirt.